Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Wednesday is usually my "free" day, and today i find myself particularly thankful for that as I had to start on my 5 classes of math scripts and finish the 4 sec 2 classes by thursday. So I really sat down and concentrated on nothing else except for marking, method marks, answer marks etc. Thank God for multiplying my time in fruitfulness. I was able to finish up to the 4th sec 2 math class at about 6.50pm.

It started raining very heavily in the evening, and I wondered how I was going to get home in the torrential rain. Thank God that daddy was able to drive me home (otherwise I might have to spend my night cooped up in school/brave the horrible weather to get home)

Monday, February 26, 2007

I thank God that I had the chance to take Mr L Lim's S4 class for CIP. It wasn't an eye-opening experience per se, since I had worked at the School for the Visually Handicapped before in JC so I roughly knew what to expect. However, watching the aurally impaired kids having so much fun with balloon sculpturing was really fulfiling in itself. Thank God also for safety of the girls and staff to and from PL and for the success of the trip.

Also, I wanna thank God for allowing me to connect with the sec 4 girls (albeit the fact that I had not seen them for three years since they were sec 1), and for the few of them who generously made so many balloon sculptures for me (although I didn't really know what to do with them in the end except to give it away) - really nice of them and I had a good time with them today. :)

Saturday, February 24, 2007


In my present r elief t eaching stint, I have the opportunity to take on a form class with 20 lovely angels. Through a mere two weeks with them, I feel that my "worldview" of people and their general attributes has been enlarged, especially so in the "children" section. Shall not go into details about this for now, I suppose I can talk about it later on.

The past week has past in a flurry, with the intensity of events making three days of post CNY look like one entire week of work. I'm especially thankful for my pal J who bought lunch for me on the days when I was too busy to make a trip to the canteen, shared her tidbits with me, listened to my grouses and gave me wise advice. Her presence really sweetened my days and I'm grateful for all the angels that God has sent my way.

Also, I had "misplaced" a document that was given to me. I saw it in my pigeon hole in the office initially but didn't take it out because I was busy with other matters. However, when I checked back the next day, it was missing and I was wondering who had actually taken it and I had to give it back to a child. I got into a rather panicky mood actually, and was desperately praying and asking God to return the document to me. On the second/third day, I checked my pigeon hole again and found it inside. Mrs P from the office then told me that it was found in the printing room in the office (the one that prints exam papers). I was like ?!??? since I had not stepped into the printing room at all (I don't actually know where it is anyway) so I was wondering why it was there. But well I'm just glad that it was returned. The printing room is usually flooded with paper and the fact that a stray piece of paper can actually be returned and not treated as waste is quite miraculous actually if you think about it, since most unused/unwanted paper goes to become waste (binders for other exam papers etc). So YAY God answers prayer! :)


Over the past few days, I've been reading about juvenile delinquents and how kids turn astray due to negative peer influence and the lack of parental supervision at home.

I suppose that one of the greatest blessings that I've had is a complete family and home. My parents are largely family-oriented, and they spend a lot of time at home on weekends with us. In many ways they can be stereotyped as the typical, responsible breadwinners. On top of that, they show their silent love in many ways he shopping for groceries and bringing home truckloads of goodies and yummy food, bringing us out to the ECP and many other places to chill-out/have picnics and relax on sundays.

So, I am thankful, that I grew up in an environment suffused with love and care. And I am grateful that God has blessed us with good health and peace all these years.


as of today, I will set myself a challenge. For the next 364 days, I will post up here 2 episodes that demonstrate God's grace daily, as a form of thanksgiving. So, on 25 Feb 2008 I should have more than 712 entries chronicling God's goodness.

I was inspired to do this because I feel that there must be an avenue to channel my praise and gratitude for what God has done (and been doing) in my life. I believe that God is one of double/multiple blessings, hence I am posting up two/more entries for each day to remind myself of this.

I may not be posting everyday, if I am too caught up with work I might post backdate entries during the weekend.

so, this marks the start of my own challenge.

Back to School Blues


Monday brings along a flurry of admin work to settle. Thank God that I was able to finish all the work fast enough. Also, I want to thank God that Mrs L from the office was able to re-print a set of data sheet that I badly needed.

I want to thank God also for this period of common test/invigilation so that we,teachers can have a break before our horrendous marking starts. =)